WhatsApp Business Platform

The Ultimate Guide | Tips & Tricks

31 Aug 2023

The Ultimate Guide for WhatsApp Business Platform

Marko Pernarčić

Content Writer

whatsapp business platform

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion active users. In recent years, WhatsApp has become an increasingly popular platform for businesses to communicate with their customers, especially with the introduction of the WhatsApp Business Platform. This suite of tools is designed to help businesses streamline their customer service, marketing, and sales efforts all in one place.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about WhatsApp Business Platform, including how to get started, its features, and its many benefits.

What is WhatsApp Business Platform?

WhatsApp Business Platform is a suite of tools designed to help businesses communicate with their customers more effectively on their preferred texting app. 

The platform offers a wealth of features that enable businesses to provide personalized and timely responses to their customers, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and ensuring loyalty. Its advanced analytics and insights tracking capabilities empower businesses to optimize their communication strategies for achieving superior results.

WhatsApp Business Platform is designed to be used by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. It can be used for interacting with customers on a more personal level, which can help with building stronger relationships through meaningful interactions. The platform also acts as a personal assistant, helping businesses communicate with their customers in a more effective and engaging way.

With WhatsApp Business, businesses can lead customizable conversations that can be automated or augmented with chatbots, as well as easily share multimedia with their customers. This allows businesses to streamline their customer service, marketing, and sales efforts using just one place.

WhatsApp Business Platform vs. WhatsApp Business App

While WhatsApp Business Platform is a powerful tool for businesses, it is important to distinguish it from the WhatsApp Business App. These two tools serve distinct purposes in facilitating business communication with customers. Despite sharing the same core technology, they have significant differences.

WhatsApp Business Platform is a more advanced tool that allows larger businesses to manage their customer communications at scale. It includes features such as multimedia support, automation, chatbot integration, and customer analytics. Unlike WhatsApp Business App, WhatsApp Business Platform is designed to be integrated with a business’ existing systems, and businesses may need to pay their service providers for any additional messaging services they use.

On the other hand, WhatsApp Business App is a lightweight mobile app designed for small businesses to communicate with their customers on a one-on-one basis. It is free to download and use, and includes features such as the ability to create a business profile, set up automated messages, and access messaging statistics.

Overall, while both platforms are valuable tools for businesses looking to improve their customer communication, the choice between the two depends on the specific needs and goals of the business. WhatsApp Business Platform is designed for larger businesses and enterprises that require more advanced features and customization options. In contrast, WhatsApp Business App is designed for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs.

whatsapp business ap vs whatsapp business platform comparison

How to Get Started with WhatsApp Business Platform

If you’re a business owner looking to connect with a larger customer base, WhatsApp Business Platform can be a valuable tool. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll help you get started on this powerful platform, so you can easily reap the benefits of its multitude of features.

While setting up a WhatsApp Business account may seem complex at first, the process is rather straightforward. There are a couple of simple steps, which we’ll outline below to give you a clear understanding of how you can begin using WhatsApp Business Platform in collaboration with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP).

Step 1: Find a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP)

WhatsApp does not directly onboard customers. To begin using it, you must find a Business Solution Provider (BSP). A BSP is a Meta-verified third-party company that specializes in providing solutions to businesses on WhatsApp. They assist businesses with onboarding, provide them with an interface to use WhatsApp, and offer additional communication platforms and products that simplify communication.

Step 2: Make sure you have a Facebook Business account

Before you can start using WhatsApp Business, you need to create a Facebook Business account. If you already have one, you’re good to go. If not, don’t worry—you can easily create one during the onboarding process. Once you have a Facebook Business account, you’ll also need a Facebook Business Manager ID, which is used for approving Business Account applications as well as managing your business on both Facebook and WhatsApp.

Step 3: Onboarding on WhatsApp

Your BSP will provide you with detailed instructions on how to create your WhatsApp Business account. This onboarding process is usually done through an embedded sign-up—leading the brand through the onboarding process in a couple of simple steps.

Step 4: Set up Your WhatsApp Business Profile

After successfully completing the onboarding process, you can enter and modify your WhatsApp Business account information. By doing so, you can create a comprehensive and professional profile that will help you achieve a better brand experience and boost brand visibility.

You can enter your brand information, business description, website, upload a picture, your company logo, and more. The more complete and detailed your profile is, the easier it will be for potential customers to find and recognize your business on WhatsApp.

whatsapp business profile information

Step 5: Register WhatsApp template messages

To be the first to reach out to an end-user, you need to register template messages for outbound messages. These template messages are simple to use, but WhatsApp has a set of rules on what is allowed. Your BSP will guide you through the registration process and can help you categorize your template messages.

Step 6: Start using WhatsApp Business Platform

After completing the onboarding process, entering all information about your business, and registering your template messages, you’re ready to start using WhatsApp Business Platform. Whether you’re using the API version or one of the communication platforms provided by your BSP, you can now start reaching out to customers and grow your business on the platform.

To sum up, creating a WhatsApp Business account is an easy process that relies on partnering with a BSP. As WhatsApp doesn’t onboard customers directly, this step is essential. NTH is a trusted WhatsApp BSP with a proven track record of excellence in business messaging. If you’re ready to get started with WhatsApp Business Platform, we’re here to guide you through the entire process so you can quickly begin using our services. 

WhatsApp Business Platform Features

Once you begin using WhatsApp Business Platform, you’ll discover a variety of features that enhance communication with your customers. These tools include messaging, automated responses, rich media, and analytics—all of which can be used to create engaging experiences, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

whatsapp business platform features

Let’s explore some of the platform’s key features to learn how to make the most of its offerings.

1. Rich Messaging

WhatsApp Business Platform allows businesses to send and receive rich messages from their customers. Businesses can send and receive text, images, audio, video messages, and documents up to 100MB in size. Also, the platform supports sending quick replies and automated messages for handling frequently asked questions and providing customers with timely and relevant information.

By automating rich media messages like order confirmations or shipping notifications, businesses can create more memorable experiences for their customers, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

2. Templates

WhatsApp has a unique policy for businesses that requires them to utilize template messages when communicating with end-users. According to this policy, when a business initiates communication with a customer on WhatsApp, it is required to use pre-approved template messages. 

This feature allows businesses to create pre-designed message templates for common use cases, such as appointment reminders, shipping notifications, and order confirmations. These templates can then be personalized with specific customer details and sent in a structured format to improve customer engagement and reduce response time. This not only allows businesses to provide quick and efficient responses to their customers but also helps them create a consistent and professional brand image.

While this may seem strict, the approval process for templates is simple and quick. This policy serves to maintain a high-quality user experience and protect users from unsolicited messages, while also simplifying communication for businesses.

3. Automated Messages

With the WhatsApp Business Platform, businesses can set up and send automated messages to customers, providing them with quick and efficient responses. These automated messages can range from welcome messages to appointment reminders, allowing businesses to save time and streamline their communication process. 

4. Security

WhatsApp Business Platform is designed to be secure, with end-to-end encryption to protect the privacy of both businesses and customers. This makes it a safe and reliable platform for businesses to use for customer communication.

Two types of conversation: user-initiated and business-initiated

WhatsApp differentiates two types of conversation: one initiated by the user, and one initiated by the business. The reason for this differentiation is to prevent businesses from sending unwanted messages that could be seen as spam. By doing so, WhatsApp creates a more secure and trustworthy communication platform for businesses to interact with their customers. At the same time, this approach safeguards the privacy and interests of the customers.

User-initiated conversations

WhatsApp not only serves as a platform for sending notifications and alerts but also as an efficient channel for brands to engage with their users in a simple manner through their preferred messaging app. This reflects well in user-initiated conversations.

In this type of conversation, the user takes the first step in starting a conversation with the business, and the business can respond to their queries and provide assistance. This engagement enables personalized customer service conveniently, however, businesses must be aware that these conversations have a 24-hour session window. This means they can communicate with customers for 24 hours after the customer’s last message. After this period, businesses must use pre-written template messages to initiate a new conversation.

Business-initiated conversations

A business-initiated conversation occurs when a business starts the chat. They can send messages to customers in response to queries or with consent, like appointment reminders, shipping updates, or order confirmations.

Businesses need approval for Template messages before starting this type of conversation, usually taking a few seconds to a couple of hours. These conversations are divided into three types: utility, authentication, and marketing — helping businesses differentiate and comply with WhatsApp’s policies.


Marketing conversations are used for promoting products or services with offers, discounts, and other marketing materials. This category encompasses any business-initiated conversation not falling under utility or authentication conversations.


Businesses use these messages to inform customers about transactions or assist with post-purchase tasks like billing statements. The goal is to provide helpful information for smoother interactions.


These messages verify a customer’s identity or authenticate a transaction through one-time passcodes. For instance, a bank may use them to confirm a customer’s identity before account access.

Benefits of Using WhatsApp Business Platform

The WhatsApp Business Platform can be a game-changer for your business, allowing you to overcome a multitude of challenges and streamline various aspects of your operations. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, businesses can easily communicate with their customers, build brand loyalty, and provide exceptional customer service.

Let’s check out some of those benefits:

Personalized communication

WhatsApp Business Platform allows businesses to communicate with customers on a more personal level. This can help to build stronger relationships and increase customer loyalty.

Streamlined communication

WhatsApp Business Platform allows businesses to streamline their customer communication, with features such as automated messages and chatbots. This can help to reduce response times and improve the customer experience.

Increased engagement

WhatsApp Business Platform allows businesses to create more engaging and personalized content for their customers, using features such as rich media messaging. This can help to increase customer engagement and drive sales.


WhatsApp Business Platform is a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to improve their customer communication.

Analytics and insights

WhatsApp Business Platform provides businesses with analytics and insights to track the performance of their messaging campaigns. This can help businesses to optimize their communication strategy and improve their ROI.

Trusty Tips for Getting the Most Out of WhatsApp Business Platform

To get the most out of WhatsApp Business Platform, businesses should follow these best practices:

Find your voice

When communicating with customers on WhatsApp, businesses should maintain consistency with their brand’s unique voice and image. This will reinforce brand recognition and build a stronger connection with customers.

Ensure that your tone resonates with your brand’s personality and values. Whether your brand is playful and lighthearted or formal and authoritative, let the tone of your messages reflect that identity. Utilize language, vocabulary, and expressions that align with your brand’s voice to create a distinct and memorable customer experience.

Respond quickly

WhatsApp Business Platform is designed to provide fast and efficient communication, so businesses should aim to respond to customer messages as quickly as possible. This will help to improve the customer experience and build loyalty.

Bear in mind: another way to ensure fast response times is through message automation. By automating certain messages, such as order confirmations and shipping notifications, businesses can respond to customers immediately, even outside of business hours. This not only improves the customer experience but also saves time and resources for the business.

Use automation wisely

While automation can be a powerful tool for streamlining customer communication, it should be used wisely. Businesses should only use automation for tasks that can be easily automated, such as order confirmations and shipping updates.

Optimize message templates

To get the most out of automated messages, businesses should optimize their message templates for maximum impact. This could include using personalized greetings and calls to action, as well as clear and concise messaging.

Monitor analytics

WhatsApp Business Platform provides businesses with valuable analytics and insights, which should be used to monitor the performance of messaging campaigns. This can help businesses to optimize their communication strategy and improve their ROI.

WhatsApp Business Platform is a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their customer communication. With features such as messaging, chatbots, and automated messages, businesses can streamline their customer service, marketing, and sales. By following best practices and optimizing their messaging campaigns, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers, increase engagement, and drive sales.

Reach Your Customers like Never Before with the WhatsApp Business Platform

If you’re ready to take your business messaging to the next level, consider partnering with NTH, a trusted WhatsApp Business Solution Provider with over 20 years of experience in business messaging. We can help you optimize your communication strategy and fully leverage the power of WhatsApp Business Platform to reach and engage with your customers like never before.

NTH offers two convenient ways to connect with the WhatsApp Business Platform: 

  • Through NTH’s API, you can easily integrate WhatsApp into your existing communication infrastructure, enabling direct and personalized interactions with your customers
  • Also, NTH offers ready-made omnichannel platforms that offer fast and streamlined communication across multiple channels, making it even easier to manage your conversations efficiently.

Start your WhatsApp Business profile today with NTH and take your communication game to the next level.

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